Healthy recipes with oats and oatmeal is a tasty, healthy, and fibrous breakfast option that is great for the gut. Oatmeal topped with fresh fruits and crunchy seeds can brighten up your morning. Fibrous foods like oatmeal and fruits help gut microbiota in fighting problems like bloating, diarrhea and constipation during periods that make it a great choice in breakfast for period cramps. Seeds, on the other hand, are packed with omega-3 fats and dark chocolate with magnesium that can help with period cramps. what to eat for breakfast on your period
Recipe to make Dark Chocolate Oatmeal With Berries And Seeds
½ cup oats
1 cup milk (you can also try ½ cup water and ½ cup milk)
Dark cocoa powder
Fresh berries- raspberries/strawberries/blueberries (as per your choice)
Seeds- Flaxseeds/pumpkin seeds/chia seeds/hemp seeds (as per your choice)
In a bowl add the oats, milk, and cocoa powder and microwave on a high setting for 2 minutes. If you're using a gas cook on medium heat until the oats are soft and the consistency is sticky.
Mix well and serve in a bowl.
Top this with fresh berries and crunchy seeds. Serve fresh!
Enjoy this nutritious goodness first thing in the morning as a wholesome option for breakfast during periods.