The Wordle Game was created by a Brooklyn-based software engineer named Josh Wardle Wardle said he built the game as a labor of love in 2020, inspired by his wordgame-loving partner. He wanted to build something easy and fun, that was free from in-game ads or popups. Unbeknownst to him, this new hobby would soon capture the imagination of millions around the world.
Wordle generally is a word-guessing dawdle puzzle_game that offers players six makes an exertion at understanding this problem of discovering a five-letter word. For each guess, the game informs the player by turning letters green (correct letter in correct place), yellow (correct letter in wrong place) or gray (letter not part of the word). It is much more accessible than the latter minimalist nature due to its very leisurely approach, which played a major role in how successful it became for players of all ages and calibers.